Some pictures by Elaine Louw Graham from the concert with Architek, Expansion, for amplified ice blocks and sound spatialisation.

It’s been a pleasure playing at Palazzo Strozzi Museum, Florence, on 2018 July 7th 2018. Here some pictures. Courtesy Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi
foto Giulia Del Vento.
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I wish to thank Hertzbreakerz for having invited me at the Sound Spaces Festival, in Malmö, Sweden.
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I wish to thank the Serg International Postgraduate Research Conference organizers, artists and researchers for these awesome days in Aberdeen.
Where The Ducks Go When It Gets All Frozen – for ice tape and live electronics. Serg International Postgraduate Research Conference. University of Aberdeen. Rehearsals.
Where The Ducks Go When It Gets All Frozen – for ice tape and live electronics. Serg International Postgraduate Research Conference. University of Aberdeen. Photo: Lise Olsen
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On April 29th 2018 I had the great opportunity to perform at TEDxLondon at the Piccadilly Theatre in London. It has been an incredible experience. Here some pictures, courtesy of #TEDxLondon.
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Article on “Il Tirreno” newspaper about my lesson / concert at the Music High School in Prato “liceo musicale Cicognini Rodari”. We had an amazing morning talking about electroacoustic and acousmatic music, ice as a sound source, and the sounds of King Cobras.
Article on “Il Tirreno” newspaper about my lesson / concert at the Music High School in Prato “liceo musicale Cicognini Rodari”
Students of “liceo musicale Cicognini Rodari” performing my piece “Where The Ducks Go When It Gets All Frozen”
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Being a guest composer at Elektronmusikstudion in Stockholm has been a marvelous experience. I really want to thanks all the EMS staff and all the other musicians that made this experience unique. A big thanks go also to Emanuele Porcinai, I’ve shared with him this wonderful time at EMS, and he also took great pictures.
Thanks also to Istituto Italiano di Cultura “C.M. Lerici”and to the director Virginia Piombo for the hospitality.
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Tempo Reale – Klang #4 Pictures by Mario Carovani.
These are pictures of Inner Out ice block details.
Coil Pick up Microphone recordings. Listening to the sound of electronic devices.
Coil Pick up microphone – Iphone
During December 2014 I obtained permission to record the Impulse Response of the Florence Cathedral, to utilize the physical model of its reverberation within the composition “The Sound of Dome”.
On December 11th 2014 I’ve recorded the Florence Cathedral Impulse Response together with the Sound Engineer Edoardo Fracassi.
Florence Cathedral – Impulse Response
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Hydrophone: ice melting recording.